The Mission
The mission of Tilden Baptist Church is to build the Kingdom of God with a unified effort of believers in Jesus Christ. While imperfect people we strive to be “Real” meeting the spiritual and physical needs of our beloved community in a genuine Spirit of prayer and God’s Sovereign Love.
“Real People Meeting Real Needs in Jesus Name.”
“Real People Meeting Real Needs in Jesus Name.”
The Vision
The vision of the Tilden Baptist Church is to impact our community by meeting real needs, offering multiple creative worship and challenging our church family to a lifestyle of Service in a united spirit of God’s love.
“Developing a lifestyle of Service and Ministry.”
“Developing a lifestyle of Service and Ministry.”
In order for Tilden Baptist Church to be a community of developing disciples, meeting needs and reaching out to promote unity, we must work to:
1. Provide opportunities that lead to a challenging and exciting lifestyle of service for our youth.
2. Provide facilities for the ministries of our church.
3. Identify and meet needs in our community.
4. Offer creative opportunities for worship and ministry.
5. Impact our community and undergird all our efforts with prayer.
6. Reach out and genuinely welcome everyone, just the way they are.
7. Offering our church family serious opportunities for growth resulting in Christ likeness.
8. Helping our church family develop characteristics that mirror the image of Christ.
9. To the best of our abilities work at fulfilling the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.
1. Provide opportunities that lead to a challenging and exciting lifestyle of service for our youth.
2. Provide facilities for the ministries of our church.
3. Identify and meet needs in our community.
4. Offer creative opportunities for worship and ministry.
5. Impact our community and undergird all our efforts with prayer.
6. Reach out and genuinely welcome everyone, just the way they are.
7. Offering our church family serious opportunities for growth resulting in Christ likeness.
8. Helping our church family develop characteristics that mirror the image of Christ.
9. To the best of our abilities work at fulfilling the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.
OUR priorities
2. Worship
3. Discipleship
4. Our Children and Youth
5. Outreach (fulfilling the Great Commission)
6. Accepting People
7. Community Service
2. Worship
3. Discipleship
4. Our Children and Youth
5. Outreach (fulfilling the Great Commission)
6. Accepting People
7. Community Service