How is life going???

We strive to help people of all ages build a relationship with Jesus Christ. We are real people meeting real needs in Jesus’ name.

There are currently 5 life groups meeting. From Sunday mornings to Sunday evenings; Monday and Thursday Nights. Each life group is unique in its gathering and the people in it. Let us help you get plugged in. 

Exactly what is a Life Group you might be asking, it’s simply a close knit group of brothers and sister that do life right beside you.

At Tilden Baptist, Life Groups are designed for you to develop deeper relationships with others who can encourage and challenge you to consistently apply the truths of God’s Word to each area of your life. You may have this misconceived idea that you won’t “fit in”; do NOT believe that lie. It’s ALL about Christian accountability.

I’m sure you have heard the phrase iron sharpens iron…We grow in Christ together. No one is excluded from being able to participate in the Life Group. No matter where you are in life you should consider finding a group that is suitable for you. It’s a beautiful thing to know when you’re struggling, you can ALWAYS count on your circle. Let’s be real, when we have numerous people who pray for us and text us periodically throughout the day, it’s hard to not notice the difference in how it changes your attitude. When friends and members truly care about the challenges in your life it makes all the difference in the world. When you’re around positive friends in Life Group it will inevitably make you more positive.

And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts. Acts 2:46

Join a Life Group today